During the enforcement of the API key requirement, developers will expect the return errors listed, where an API key is not in use or exceeding the rate limit.

  1. The 5 calls per sec/IP rate limit is exceeded:
{"status":"0","message":"NOTOK","result":"Max rate limit reached"}
  1. An API request with a blank API Key or the default "YourApiKeyToken":
{"status":"1","message":"OK-Missing/Invalid API Key, rate limit of 1/5sec applied","result":"595623370144773018344492"}
  1. An API request with Invalid API Key:
{"status":"0","message":"NOTOK","result":"Invalid API Key"}
  1. API requests with Invalid API Key exceeding limit:
{"status":"0","message":"NOTOK","result":"Too many invalid api key attempts, please try again later"}

Expected Responses:

Status: 1 - Ok , 0 - Not ok
Message: Ok - Success , Notok - Failed 
(Additional messages might be included based on scenarios. Refer API KeLimit & errors for more info)
Result: Return the API results